Channel our brand-friendly tools to enhance your ecomm successes.

Canal helps you drive customer value, expand product offerings, and amplify brand equity.

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Drive customer lifetime value

Deepen your relationships with customers who trust your point of view.

Increase customer conversion, average order value, and retention
  • Offer more to your customers while you have their attention
  • Upsell complementary products to boost order volume and revenue
  • Partner with our curation specialists to hand-select the right merchandise
  • Get help setting up your store for success

The Results:

in AOV
in repeat customers
in customer LTV
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Expand new products offerings

Make partnerships and product launches easier for your team to navigate.

Experiment with new product categories without the inventory or operational lift
  • Solidify and streamline pre-existing partnerships, and find and manage new ones
  • Discover and easily add products from the Canal network that compliment your offerings
  • Test the waters before expanding your own in-house product offerings
  • Get new insights about your customers, create more meaningful product launches, and expand your brand experience

The Results:

lift in average order value
in customer retention
in customer lifetime value
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Amplify brand equity

Get the curatorial guidance you need to confidently connect with partners that complement your brand.

Elevate your brand with high-quality merchandising partnerships
  • Grow new sales channels and partner with like-minded brands
  • Drive brand awareness and excitement by increasing visibility and distribution to new customers
  • Create opportunities for co-selling and co-marketing across multiple storefronts
  • Get matched with high-quality storefronts looking to complement their existing products
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